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Ancient History of Odisha

ANCIENT HISTORY OF ODISHA Odisha has a history spanning over a period of over 5,000 years in acent t…

Average competitive simple question with solution

(1) The ratio of the number of players on the three cricket team A, B and C is 2:5:3 the average num…

Noun Spotting Errors MCQ question with solution

Following are the some noun spotting errors MCQ question which will help you to practice your knowl…

Current affair 2022 for all exam like ASO, BSSO, JEA etc

1. Under which brand name GoI will carries out the “One Nation One Fertilizer” program? “One Nation O…

Download OSSC BSSO(Block Social Security Officer) previous year question paper in PDF.

OSSC announce a notification on official website regarding the new fresh recruitment of…

OSSC JEA(Junior Executive Assistance) Previous Year Question Paper Pdf Download

The Department of OSSC in announce a notice regarding government job for Junior Executive Assistant…

Kalahandi University +3 all previous year question paper{Computer Science, Physics, Zoology, Chemistry etc}

Kalahandi University offer student to learn in various courses with honors like Computer Science, …